
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Col. A. M. Hare

COL. A. M. HARE, one of the pioneers of this county, and a resident of the city of Muscatine, was born near Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 13, 1811, and is a son of Jacob Hare, who was a native of Lancaster County, Pa., and served as a soldier under William Henry Harrison in the War of 1812.  He married Miss Mary Teeters, who was of Scotch parentage, but a resident of Highland County, Ohio, and in an early day they emigrated to Ross County, Ohio, the year the land came into market.  Mr. Hare subsequently removed to Franklin County, Ohio, locating on land near where the city of Columbus now stands. He also owned land situated within the present city limits. He was among the first who developed a farm in that county, where he resided many years. Mr. and Mrs. Hare were the parents of six sons and five daughters, of whom the following named survive: Jeremiah, who is a resident of Marysville, Cal.; A. M., of this sketch; Benjamin F., a resident of Columbus, Ohio; Nancy, who married a Mr. Bruce, and now resides in California; Susan, wife of William Parkins. The parents were both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and were honorable, upright people, highly respected by all. They both died in Franklin County, Ohio.

Col. Hare is one of the self-made men of this county. He did not have the educational advantages afforded by our present system of common schools, but on seeing the need of an education, when starting out in life, he purchased books, and by close application secured a fund of knowledge and information which many who have received good advantages may well envy. When fifteen years of age he went to Dayton, Ohio, and served an apprenticeship of three years to the trade of hatter, receiving only $40 per year and his board. In 1830 he left that city for London, Madison Co., Ohio, where he worked at his trade until the following spring, when he went to Virginia, but remained there only a short time, returning to London in July, 1831. He embarked in business for himself at that place, there following his chosen avocation for ten years, when he removed to Jefferson, a small village in the same county, where he again opened a shop, making hats for the people.

On the 20th of October, 1836, Mr. Hare was united in marriage with Miss Sarah Olmstead, who was born in Franklin County, Ohio. One child graced their union, Danforth, who now resides in Wayne County, Iowa. On the 26th of December, 1837, the wife and mother was called to her final rest, and the following year Mr. Hare came to Iowa to find a location, not wishing to stay in Ohio after his family was all broken up. Muscatine County was then a wild and unsettled wilderness, and he made no selection, but in 1841 he returned to this State and located permanently in Muscatine, where he embarked in the manufacture of hats. In 1844 Mr. Hare was again united in marriage, with Miss Emeline P. Austin, and to them were born two children who are yet living: Austin J., a resident of this county; and Ida, wife of Frank Warfield, who is living in Muscatine. The death of Mrs. Hare occurred Aug. 22, 1882. She was a consistent Christian lady, and belonged to the Congregational Church. While engaged in business in Muscatine Mr. Hare purchased his farm in Sweetland Township, which is known as the Sunnyside Stock Farm.

In the dark days of the Rebellion Gov. Kirkwood offered Mr. Hare a commission as Colonel of the 11th Iowa Infantry, which he accepted, and did much toward organizing the regiment, which was later mustered in at Davenport. They there remained for a short time, after which they were ordered to Benton Barracks, St. Louis, and were finally sent to Jefferson City, Mo., where the regiment was divided, some of its members being sent to California, Mo., and the remainder to Fulton, Callaway Co., Mo., remaining there during the winter looking after the guerrillas. In the spring the men were ordered to St. Louis, and from there were sent to Pittsburg Landing, taking a prominent part in that battle. The Colonel was assigned to a brigade under Gen. McClernand, having command of the 11th Iowa, the 13th Iowa, and the 8th and 18th Illinois Regiments. The Colonel displayed much tact and courage, and was complimented by Gen. McClernand for some of his movements. He was wounded in the hand and wrist, losing one finger, after which his health failed and he was compelled to resign.

SOURCE: Portrait and Biographical Album of Muscatine County, Iowa, Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1889, p. 167-8

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