
Wednesday, February 13, 2013


WASHINGTON, April 10. – The Senate in Executive Session to-day confirmed the nomination of Col. G. M. Dodge of Iowa, Col. R. S. Canby of the 19th Infantry, and Paymaster Benjamin Brice to the Brigadier Generalship of Volunteers.

Bayard Taylor of New York, Secretary of Legation to St. Petersburgh.

Green Clay of Kentucky, Secretary of Legation at Turin.

John Mallen of Illinois, Register of the Land office at Vermillion, Dacotah territory.

William Burnett of Oregon, to be Marshal of that State.

William Gallop, Postmaster of Tiffin, O.

Lieuts. Prince and Haggerty, J. R. M. Matoney, C. Marie, O. P. Rogers, to be commanders in the Navy.

The Washington and Alexandria Railroad was sold to-day at Alexandria, and purchased by Alexander Hay of Philadelphia.  He is the owner and attorney for claims for more than $200,000.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 12, 1862, p. 3

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