
Monday, February 11, 2013

Fire in New York --- Investment of Beaufort

NEW YORK, April 10. – Last night a fire broke out in the five story marble building, No 69 Duane street, the premises of David Sterritt & Co., importers of laces and embroideries.  The entire building and its contents were destroyed.  Sterritt & Co.’s loss is supposed to be $50,000.  The first floor was occupied by Hoffman, Place & Co., dealers in gentleman’s furnishing goods.  The greater part of the stock was removed.  Loss about $5,000; said to be insured.  Loss on the building about $20,000.

The Times’ Beaufort letter of March 31st says Lieut. Hoxton, from Chippewa, landed yesterday and had an interview with Major Allen touching the arrangements for the capture of the Fort.

A guard from the Rhode Island 4th crossed over on Saturday and Sunday, taking possession of the beach south west of Fort Macon, and cutting off the communication with the cattle on which Colonel White has drawn heretofore for his supplies of fresh beef.  Thus, step by step, the fortification is surrounded by our forces and final attack will not be long delayed.

Guards have been placed aboard the British ships Reliance and Condor, found at Beaufort loaded with rosin and turpentine.

Since the conflagration after the battle at Newbern it is reported that some seven thousand barrels of spirits of turpentine have been consumed in this vicinity.  About 10,000 barrels are now loading for New York.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 12, 1862, p. 3

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