
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

First Session -- 37th Congress

WASHINGTON, April 9. – HOUSE. – The house proceeded to the consideration of the Senate bill to increase the efficiency of the Medical Department of the army.  The debate involved the question of incorporating surgeons of the volunteers with the regular staff, thus giving a board for selection.  This was agreed to.  The bill as amended on the recommendation of the Military Committee was passed.

The bill to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia came up on its second reading, to which Mr. VALLANDIGHAM objected.  The question then recurred under the rule, shall the bill rejected, which was decided in the negative 45 against 93.  The bill was then referred to the Committee on the Hole on the state of the Union.

The Pacific Railroad bill was taken up.  Mr. PHELPS of California, spoke in its favor.  Mr. KELLEY also advocated the bill.  Adjourned.

SENATE. – Messrs. HOWARD, CHANDLER, SHERMAN and TRUMBULL presented petitions in favor of emancipation.

Mr. HOWE presented a memorial from the legislature of Wisconsin, for the establishment of a national armory and depot in that State.

The bill relating to fixing the salaries of District Attorneys was taken up and after discussion was passed, 20 to 19.

The Senate went into Executive session.


WASHINGTON, April 10. – HOUSE. – Mr. VALLANDIGHAM, from the Committee on Public lands reported a substitute for the Senate joint resolution giving construction to the act of 1856, granting lands to Wisconsin for railroad purposes.  It authorizes a change of location so that the road may be constructed from Appleton to some point on Green Bay at or near the mouth of Fox river.  Passed.

Mr. ARNOLD introduced a resolution expressing gratitude to Almighty God for the glorious triumph of our arms over the rebels and traitors and recognizing the brilliant victories at Island No. 10 and at Pittsburgh Landing, the hand of that Divine Power which has so signally blessed us as a nation; that the gratitude of Congress are due to Com. Foote, Generals Pope, Grant, Buell and Halleck, to each and every gallant soldier, officer and sailor, for the gallantry, endurance and patriotic devotion to the country; their names shall always be cherished and honored by a grateful people.  While Congress honors the brave who escaped death, they would not forget the wounded and dead who fell in their country’s cause.  Congress extends it sympathy to the widows and children and promises relief.

Mr. PORTER, suggested that the name of Maj. Gen. Lew Wallace be added.

Mr. COX thought it proper to include General McClernand and the other officers.

Mr. RICHARDSON had anticipated this difficulty; it was usual to insert only the names of the commanding officers, as they could not embrace the names of all who distinguished themselves.

Mr. ARNOLD consented that the resolution should be referred to the committee on Military Affairs.

Mr. STEVENS from the committee on Ways and Means reported back the Senate amendment to the emancipation bill.

The House concurred in that appropriating thirteen millions to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy for the construction of iron clad vessels of war as a substitute for the original item.

SENATE. – Mr. Sumner presented a resolution from the Legislature of Massachusetts in approval of the resolutions in accordance with the President’s message in relations to emancipation.

Mr. LANE of Indiana presented a petition for the abolition of slavery in the States.  He said that the petitioners were asking what Congress had no power to grant, but that he was willing that citizens should be heard on the foolish requests.

Mr. WILSON gave notice that he should introduce a bill to amend the act approved in September, 1850, supplementary to the act respecting fugitives from justice and persons escaping from the service of their masters, approved February 12, 1793.

On motion of Mr. LATHAM, the bill to establish a line of steamships from San Francisco to ______ was taken up.  He spoke at length in favor of establishing such a line.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 12, 1862, p. 3

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