
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

First Session -- 37th Congress

WASHINGTON, April 4. – HOUSE. – The House went into Committee of the Whole on the States of the Union, Mr. Webster in the Chair.

On motion of Mr. STEVENS, the bill to establish a branch Mint at Denver, in Colorado Territory, was taken up, and debate limited to five minute speeches.

Mr. VALLANDIGHAM said an allusion had been made in the Senate recently, to a Democratic conference held last week.  As to what took place there, he had no right to speak, but the injunction of secrecy did not apply to the call – which was in these words:

Democratic Conference. – We, the undersigned, members of the Democratic party, of the United States, determined to adhere to its ancient principles, and maintain its organization unbroken under all circumstances, as the party able to maintain the Constitution, to restore the old Union of the Sates, do hereby united in this call for a conference of all who may sign the same approving the objects indicated.

This call was signed by some thirty-five members of the Senate and House of Representatives.

Mr. STEVENS asked who signed it.

Mr. VALLANDIGHAM &c.  He continued, all of them are able to read and right.  No one made his mark.  If this did not refer to a political organization, he was not capable of understanding language.  The movement thus commenced would go on, and it was the determination of some that the organization should be completed.  Beyond this he was not able to speak.  His name was appended to the call.

The Committee rose and the bill for the branch Mint ad Denver passed.

The House went into committee of the whole.

Mr. BEAMAN expressed his views in favor of establishing Territorial Governments in the so-called Confederate States.

The committee rose and the House adjourned till Monday.

Several bills relating to the District of Columbia, were passed, and after Executive session the Senate adjourned till Monday.

WASHINGTON, April 8. – HOUSE. – Mr. VALLANDIGHAM offered a resolution, which was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, proposing with the consent of the Senate to adjourn on the third Monday in May.

Mr. ARNOLD read a dispatch from Com. Foote to Secretary Wells, dated Island Nol. 10, saying that two officers of the rebel Navy from Island 10, boarded the Benton yesterday, offering to surrender the Island.  The dispatch was received with rounds of applause.

The House resumed the consideration of the amendments to the tax bill.  Among other amendments concurred in, are the following:

Every person owning a dog to pay a tax of one dollar; pleasure or racing vessels, under the value of six hundred dollars, shall pay a tax of five dollars, when not exceeding one thousand dollars in value, ten dollars, and for every thousand dollars additional, ten dollars; organs and melodeons kept for use [or on] sale, according to value, from 60 cents to $6.  All dividends in scrip or money or sums of money hereafter held due or payable to the stockholders of any railroad company, as part of the earnings, profits or gain of said companies, shall be subject to pay a duty of 3 per cent on the amount of all such interest or coupons or dividends, whenever the same shall be paid.

Duties of dividends of life insurance shall not be deemed due until such dividends shall be payable by such companies, banks, trust companies or savings institutions.

Insurance companies are authorized and required to deduct and withhold from all payments made to any persons or parties on account of any dividends or sums of money that may be due and payable as aforesaid from the 1st of May next, the said debt or sum of 3 per cent.

Foreign bills of exchange or of credit drawn in, but payable out of the United Sates, if drawn singly, or if drawn in sets of more than one according to the custom of merchants and bankers.  For every bill of exchanged State or drawn on any Foreign country, but payable to the United States, where the sum made payable shall not exceed five hundred dollars, or the equivalent thereof, in any foreign currency, in which such bills may be exposed according to the standard value fixed by the United States, shall pay a stamp duty of five cents; the manifest of a part of a cargo of any vessel or custom of clearance shall pay a duty of twenty-five cents; a manifest in the custom house entry or clearance of the cargo of any ship, vessel or steamer, if the registered tonnage does not exceed three hundred, shall pay a duty of $1; upon every protest of every note, bill of exchange, acceptance, check or draft, in any marine paper, whether protected protested by notary public or any other officer who may be authorized by the law of any State to make such protest, there shall be paid a duty of 25 cents.

The proceedings were agreeably interrupted by Mr. COLFAX sending up to the clerk’s desk to be read:

______ Landing, Tenn., April 8, 8 p. m.

To Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War:

The enemy evacuated Island No. 10 last night.  It is occupied by Col. Buford of the 27th Illinois regiment.  Gen. Pope will capture all that remains on the high lands to-day.  The movement on the rear has done this work.


This was received with loud applause and cries of good.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 12, 1862, p. 4

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