
Sunday, February 10, 2013

From New Mexico

(Correspondence of Mo. Republican.)

FORT UNION, NEW MEXICO, March 31. – Our Column, under the command of Col. Stough, is breaking up camp for a forward movement south, toward the rebel forces.

The Texan army occupies a strong position in the vicinity of Albemarque [sic], 17 miles south of this depot, about midway between this and Ft. Craig, where Col. Canby was at last accounts.  The Texans have taken up this strategic point doubtless intending to march upon either Col. Canby, as they leave their stronghold of Fort Union or Fort Craig, and by their superior force, which is estimated at 2,400 strong and 21 pieces of artillery, face about and assault the column before it can form a junction and cut us up in detail.

It would appear that Col. Sturgh [sic] and Col. Canby, department commanders, are not acting in concert, and some men are of opinion that this movement of the most difficult of military combinations may not prove successful, and at our depot at Fort Union the other supplies left as comparatively defenceless.  I can scarcely believe, however, that Col. Sturgh will march beyond supporting distance of this department, and Texans are occupying Santa Fe, 100 miles south of this, with from 100 to 200 men.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 12, 1862, p. 3

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