
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Iowa Items

It becomes our painful duty to herald one of the most heart-rending accidents that has ever come to our knowledge or happed in our county.  Last Thursday Mr. McMichael, residing some three miles east of Amity, sent his son, some 12 or 13 years of age, to Amity, on horseback, to get his mail matter.  The mail carrier was somewhat behind his regular time, and the boy had to wait till after dark to accomplish the object of his errand.  About 8 o’clock he started homeward.  About a mile from town, upon the road, a ditch had been dug for the purpose of draining a slough, and a bridge put across it which was several feet above the surface.  The boy had not been seen after leaving town until about nine o’clock, when a sled load of young people were passing along, and by this bridge they discovered a horse lying upon his back in the ditch.  Approaching the spot the discovered the lifeless body of the boy, under the horse, perfectly cold.  He had fallen across the ditch with head and feet resting upon the bank of either side, and the horse had fallen lengthwise in the ditch with his back upon the boys breast.  And in this position he perished, if he was not killed by the fall.  He was conveyed to the house of his parents, who were waiting anxiously for the news, little dreaming that tidings of such a sorrowful nature was in store for them, and the feelings of the parents, brothers and sisters can only be imagined as the lifeless body of their boy was ushered into their presence. – {Page County Herald.

LUK IMUS FOUND. – Last week we gave an account of the freezing to death of Daniel and Luke Imus, in Adair county, only one of them, Daniel having been found.  We have since learned that Luke was found dead, on the 22nd, about three miles north of where Daniel died.  Our informant says “it is probably that he died a natural death the corpse was properly laid out, the face and hands covered, and head laid upon a carpet sack.  It would appear that Daniel remained with his brother until he died and then, being unable to reach a house perished with cold.  He, no doubt, lost sight of his own safety in his anxiety to preserve the life of his brother.  The two brothers were on their way to visit their mother, in Ringgold county, when they were so suddenly snatched from life.  Their fate forcibly illustrates the truth, that in the midst of life we are in death. – {Cass County Gazette.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 8, 1862, p. 2

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