
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lieut. Elias G. Jackson

LIEUT. ELIAS G. JACKSON, a general farmer and stock-raiser, residing on section 32 Elm Grove Township, was born May 25, 1828, in Randolph County, Ind., and is a son of Joseph and Phoebe (Cox) Jackson, the former a native of Stokes County, N. C., born Aug. 23, 1804, and the latter of Montgomery County, Ohio, born April 19,1807. They were united in marriage in 1827, in Randolph County, Ind., where Joseph Jackson followed the occupation of farming. The paternal grandfather of our subject, Samuel Jackson, served during the Revolutionary War, while James Jackson, an uncle, fought in the War of 1812, and was under the command of Gen. Hull when he surrendered to the British at Detroit. In every war of our country the Jackson family has been represented, in all of which, as soldiers, they proved efficient and faithful.

In 1856 Joseph Jackson, accompanied by his family, came to Louisa County, Iowa, where he resided until his death, which occurred March 25, 1858. His wife is still living, at the advanced age of eighty-two, and makes her home with our subject. They were the parents of nine children, the four eldest being born in Randolph County, Ind., two in Wayne, one in Delaware, and the two youngest in Tippecanoe County. Elias, our subject, is the eldest; John H. is a farmer in Franklin County, Kan.; Reuben G, who served in the 11th Iowa Infantry, is now a railroad builder and contractor of Kansas; Jesse S., who was a member of the 11th Iowa Infantry, is now living in Kansas City; Elizabeth A. is the wife of Henry Martain, a farmer of Keokuk County, Iowa; Sarah Jane wedded Evan Crawford, of Coffee County, Kan.; Henrietta is the wife of Henry W. Snider, a soldier of the 5th Iowa Infantry, now engaged in farming in Jasper County, Ind.; Joseph J., who was also a member of the 11th Infantry, resides in Nevada; Abner J., a blacksmith by trade, is now living in Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson were both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

Our subject received his education in a subscription school in his native county, which was taught in a log house, and there resided until 1852, since which time he has made his home in Louisa County. He was compelled to leave his native State on account of ill-health, but his family resided there until 1856, when, having determined to make this his future home, he returned and brought them to Louisa County. He was united in marriage, Nov. 13, 1853, with Miss Margaret Beauchamp, who was born in Pickaway County, Ohio, May 20, 1827, and is a daughter of John and Nancy (Wilson) Beauchamp, who were of French descent. By their union six children have been born: Magdalene, who became the wife of William Hewitt, is now deceased; Margaret F. is the wife of William I. Huston, a farmer of Elm Grove Township; Albert is at home; Oletha wedded John Sickafoose, who is engaged in farming; Martha is the wife of George Spangler, of Henry County, Iowa, and Fred, who is at home.

In 1854 Mr. Jackson purchased 120 acres of land on section 32, Elm Grove Township, and upon that farm all his children were born and grew to maturity. Beginning life in Louisa County in very limited circumstances, he, by hard labor, with good management and economy, gained a comfortable competency, gave each of his children good educations, and as they left the parental roof aided them in establishing in business for themselves. When the Rebellion broke out Mr. J. responded to his country's call for volunteers, enlisting in the 11th Iowa Infantry for three years' service, as a member of Company F. Upon the organization of the company he was elected Sergeant, filling the office creditably and well. In 1863 he was unanimously elected Second Lieutenant, holding that office at the time of his discharge. He participated in many of the hard-fought battles of the war, including those of Shiloh, Corinth and Iuka, and was with Grant when he started to meet Gen. Sherman at Vicksburg. On the way the regiment was under fire for several days, and finally had to retreat, but at length reached Vicksburg, where it participated in the siege. Mr. Jackson then engaged in the siege of Jackson, Miss., and was with the gallant regiment from 1861 until August, 1863, when, on account of failing eyesight, he was obliged to resign and return to his home. Brave and faithful, he fought earnestly to preserve the Union, suffering the trials and hardships of war uncomplainingly, and was honorably discharged after two years’ service.

Returning to his home, Lieut. Jackson there remained until 1864, when he made a trip to the West, reaching home again in 1865, after which he once more turned his attention to farming. He makes a specialty of raising fine horses, and to him is due much credit for the fine grade of stock to be found in this part of the State. For the past few years he has retired from active life, and is now living upon the fruits of his former labors. In his political sentiments he is a Republican, and is deeply interested in the success and welfare of that party, being an earnest advocate of its principles. Socially, he is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and the G. A. R., belonging to the post at Winfield, while religiously, he is a member of the Christian Church, He is numbered among Louisa County's most honored citizens, who have aided in her growth and prosperity, and his sketch deserves a prominent place in her history.

SOURCE: Portrait and Biographical Album of Louisa County, Iowa, Acme Publishing Co., Chicago Illinois, 1889, p. 485-6

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