
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Military Items

We have learned at the Adjutant General’s Office, that 14 men of the 4th Iowa Regiment wounded at Pea Ridge, have died since the battle.  Names not yet returned to the Adjutant General’s Office.  A list will soon be forwarded which will appear in the monthly return. – The Adjutant General has received the monthly returns of the 4th up to March 1st, and a list of casualties at Pea Ridge in said regiment.

Capt. Granville Berkley of Company F, 2d Iowa Cavalry, was mustered out of the service on March 29th.

Fifty-eight men of the 4th Infantry on furlough have been ordered to join their regiment at once.

Samuel M. Wise, a Captain in the Iowa 1st Infantry, has been commissioned Major of the 17th Regiment, Col. Rankin. – {Des Moines Register.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 12, 1862, p. 4

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