
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Official War Bulletin

WASHINGTON, April 9, 1862.

Order giving thanks for recent treat victories over the rebels and traitors:

FIRST. – That the meridian of Sunday next, after the reception of this order, at the head of every regiment in the army of the Unites States, there shall be offered by its Chaplain, a prayer, giving thanks to the Lord of Hosts, for the recent manifestations of His power, in the overthrow of the rebels and traitors, and invoking the continuance of His aid in delivering the nation by the arms of patriotic soldiers, from the horrors of treason and rebellion and civil war.

SECOND. – That the tanks and congratulations of the War Department are rendered to Major General Halleck, for the signal ability and success, that have distinguished all the military operations of his department, and for the support and courage manifested by the army under his command, under every hardship and against every odds in attacking, pursuing and destroying the enemy wherever he could be found.

THIRD. – That the thanks of the Department are also given to Generals Curtis and Sigel and the officers and soldiers in their command for their gallantry at the bloody battle of Pea Ridge and to Major Generals Grant and Buell and their forces for the glorious repulse of Beauregard at Pittsburg, Tennessee; and to Major General Pope and his officers and soldiers for the bravery and skill displayed in their operations against the rebels and traitors entrenched at Island No. 10 in the Mississippi river.

FOURTH. – That there shall be a salute of one hundred guns from the U. S. Arsenal at Washington in honor of these great victories.

Secretary of War.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 12, 1862, p. 3

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