
Friday, February 8, 2013

Provisions for the Sick and Wounded

LOUISVILLE, Ky., April 9. – A large meeting of the citizens, the mayor presiding, was held to make arrangements for taking care of the sick and wounded from Corinth.  Thirty-five hundred dollars were contributed, and any further amount desired offered.

The steamer Commercial left for the Tennessee river to-night, with medical stores and other supplies.  The steamer Dullent will leave tomorrow with nurses and supplies.

Any amount of hospital accommodations in this city were offered.

CINCINNATI, April 9. – A boat has been commissioned to take physicians, nurses and stores to the scene of battle in Tennessee.

A meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was held and a committee of five appointed to take subscriptions to buy food and other necessaries for the wounded, and a large amount was raised in an hour.  Capt. Dickinson is authorized to pay for the boat.

The Committee appointed by the Chamber of Commerce will go to Columbus to-night, to urge the legislature to make an appropriation to charter other boats and procure necessary supplies.  It is probable that three or four boats will leave here this week for Tennessee.  A large number of nurses have offered their services.

BOSTON, April 9. – Gov. Andrews [sic] telegraphs to headquarters to-day tendering the services, without compensation, of a number of Massachusetts surgeons, ready to go west and aid the wounded.

INDIANAPOLIS, April 9. – A special train with surgeons, hospital stores and supplies for the wounded at Pittsburg Landing, leaves here to-night.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 12, 1862, p. 3

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