
Friday, February 1, 2013

Senator John Sherman to Major General William T. Sherman, August 3, 1863

MANSFIELD, OHIO, Aug. 3, 1863.

My Dear Brother:

Your letter dated July 19, at Jackson, is received. What you say about the injustice of the press was undoubtedly true a month ago, but it is true no longer. Since the fall of Vicksburg each of the officers named by you has been very highly lauded, and that by all parties and papers. With you it has been especially laudatory. Even your old enemy, the Cincinnati “Gazette,” has in several recent numbers spoken of you in very complimentary terms, and without any apparent recollection that it has [libeled] you for months. With the officers of the army you stand very high. Indeed it is now unnecessary for you to care for defenders. I will think of your proposition to visit Vicksburg, and will probably do so this fall. At present I am involved in the political canvass now going on in Ohio, but shall not be long. My position does not require me to take a very active part. . . .

Affectionately yours,


SOURCE: Rachel Sherman Thorndike, Editor, The Sherman letters: correspondence between General and Senator Sherman from 1837 to 1891, p. 210

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