
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Special to New York Papers

(Times Special.)

WASHINGTON, April 8. – Gen. T. W. Sherman just relieved by Gen. Hunter, arrived here to-day from Port Royal and reported himself at the War Department.  He expresses the opinion that before this Fort Pulaski has been attacked and has no doubts of its final capture.

A General who arrived here from Port Royal yesterday says several contrabands who came within our lines a few days since and reported that they were direct from Charleston, and that the people of that city were fearing an attack from our forces, and complained bitterly that nearly all their troops were in Virginia, and in the west.

Maj. S. W. Crawford was nominated by the President to-day, to the Senate as Brigadier General of Volunteers.

The Times correspondent writes from Liverpool Point, April 8th, that several Virginians belonging to Falworth, Fredericksburg, and Stafford, have come over to Liverpool Point.  They say that the reconnoissance created the most intense excitement at Fredericksburg.  Every vehicle capable of transporting goods was bro’t into requisition; while whole families left for Richmond, leaving everything behind them.  Orders were given by Gen. Walker, commandant at Fredericksburg, for all his available force to leave immediately for Brookstown, along the line of the railroad, and repel the advance of the invaders.  They also report a battle having been fought between 500 Texas cavalry and Sickles’ entire forces, just before entering Stafford; they put down Sickles’ loss at 350 and their own as only 13.  The effective force of the rebels between Fredericksburg and Acquia Creek is less than four thousand; beyond Fredericksburg to Richmond, probably ten thousand including a few batteries of artillery.

There was no scarcity of provisions.

Confederate bonds can be bought for 5 cents on the dollar.  Shin plasters issued by banks and private parties are of more value, commanding a hundred dollars in specie for every thousand dollars.

It is said to be the intention of the Confederate Government to abandon Virginia unless the people of the State render more aid of men and money.

Gen Wigfall commands a brigade five miles from Fredericksburg.  He has had a serious misunderstanding with the General commanding Holla, and has accordingly forwarded to Richmond his resignation.

All men supposed to be for the Union are relieved of their property with impunity, and no redress can be had.  In consequence of this most Union men are very quiet.

During the embarking of our troops from Liverpool Point a large number of Maryland slave holders lined the shore on horseback, said to be looking for lost slaves.

No slaves from Maryland or Virginia were allowed to go on board our transports.  Some few negroes were taken as servants.  There were about 800 female slaves left at Liverpool Point and Mulatto Woman Creek without any protection.  Some of the slave owners threaten to make trouble.

(Special to World.)

WASHINGTON, April 9. – The World’s correspondence at Warrenton brings the following to-day:

The advance forces are now resting on the Rappahannock, our pickets extending to that stream.  The railroad is now in running order to Cedar Run, within two miles of Warrenton Junction and thirteen miles from the Rappahannock River.  It will take several days to complete the bridge over Cedar Run, as the recent storm has swollen all the streams very much. – Neither Bull nor Cedar Run can be forded at present, and no troops can move except by rail.

The cavalry pickets extend some distance south-east of Brentsville, and skirmishes with the rebel scouts are of daily occurrence.

As the army proceeds south the country begins to present fewer of the ravages of the enemy, though in no vicinity has there yet been discovered sufficient supplies to support either the men or horses for more than one day.

The reports of the enemy’s position are indefinite and uncertain.  Contrabands and refugees from Fauquier and Culpepper say that the rebel army have dwindled greatly in its proportions, and that it is retreating upon Richmond as fast as possible, leaving nothing but scouts and guerrillas in its rear to watch our movements.  It would seem from this that the rebels are not reinforcing Magruder, and intend to make a stand this side of Richmond.

(Tribune’s Dispatch.)

It is understood that the Department of the South, of which Gen. Hunter has been put in command, will be thoroughly re-organized.  Gen. Sherman will be followed North by his Brigadier Generals Wright and Viele; but it is unknown who will fill the place they vacate.

It is also believed that Gen. Hunter will rightfully treat South Carolina and Georgia as rebels, and not as sovereign States.

The Senate to-day ratified two treaties, the commercial treaty with the Ottoman Porte, and the Mexican extradition treaty, negotiated by Minister Corwin.

The former, which is extremely liberal in its provisions, provides for its continuance for 50 years.  One stipulation of the latter is to the effect that the frontier States, the respective parties shall deliver up persons for whose surrender application is made without delay and expense of an appeal to Washington or the City of Mexico, elicited much discussion, and finally passed by barely one more than the constitutional majority, 27 to 13.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 12, 1862, p. 3

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