
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A correspondent of the Keokuk Gate City writes . . .

. . . that on Saturday week Col. Moor, of the Northeast Missouri regiment, sent out an expedition of 170 men, part mounted, to scour the country around Memphis, Mo.  A secesh woman got an hour and a half start of them, and alarmed the prowling ruffians, who were pursued in scattered bodies a distance of thirty five miles, and eighty of their number captured, though Bill Dunn, their leader, escaped by clean running.  On the return the party burned some secesh distilleries, to cut off the supply of bad whisky, as essential to the marauders. – They returned to Memphis on Monday, bringing in twenty five prisoners, some horses and guns – in all a short and bloodless expedition.  Col. Moore ordered up the eighty prisoners in line, upon first taking them, and picked out the most inoffensive looking to receive the oath of allegiance.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 1, 1862, p. 1

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