
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Russell's Last Letter

The London Times’ correspondent possess admirable descriptive powers, but when exciting events are wanting and he endeavors to penetrate beneath the surface of affairs he makes ludicrous blunders, and exhibits surprising obtuseness.  As there have been no important battles recently, his letters are very dull and contain little or nothing worth copying.  The following paragraph is, however so truthful that we reproduce it:

In the midst of the excitement arising out of the difficulties between the two countries, the American press has with one voice expressed its sympathy with the Queen in her grief, and has announced the event in a manner very creditable to the people and gratifying to us.  It touches the English heart to hear Queen Victoria spoken of as she is by all classes in America, and though the praise may be extorted by the blameless life and domestic qualities of the woman and the sovereign, it is not the less pleasant to us to listen to it, and to take pride in the honor showered on our Queen by those who are by no means friendly to her subjects.  Her misfortune and the calamity to the Royal family and to the country have been treated with respectful condolence in America.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 8, 1862, p. 2

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