
Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Doctrines For The Times

“We thank God,” says the Buffalo Commercial Advertiser, “that the slavery question is now in a fair way of settlement.  We are alike sick of Northern fanaticism and agitation and Southern falsehoods and abstractions.  Let the war go on and let slavery take care of itself is our motto.  If the latter comes in our way crush it, if it does not let it alone.  If in putting down the rebellion, we also put down slavery – as a consequence, not as a part of our policy – then let slavery go down.  The country has too many interests at stake just now to pause in its march for the sake of chaffering about ‘the peculiar institution’ or arguing in regard either to its rights or its wrongs.  Fight first and settle all matters that remain to be settled afterwards is our doctrine.”

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 1, 1862, p. 1

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