
Saturday, April 6, 2013

A Forward Movement of Troops in Missouri

ROLLA, Jan. 29. – The latest information from the West is that our army is encamped at Lebanon in considerable numbers.  Major Wright’s Battalion is quartered in houses lately occupied by Secessionists, but the greater portion of the troopers are encamped just beyond the town.  No troops except scouts have advanced beyond that town nor is it probable they will until other regiments on the way shall have arrived.

Form a gentleman who has recently arrived from Webster County I learn that Captain Freeman who has been carrying on a thieving and pillaging business in Webster, Douglas, Wright and other Counties was killed about a week since, in a skirmish which took place in Webster County between Union men and Secessionists.  It was at first reported to be Col. Freeman, of Polk, which proves untrue.  The Colonel is more influential but no meaner man than this Freeman.

General Curtis and staff departed several days ago to join the army in the field.  This would indicate that the campaign is to be pushed forward with energy.

Gen. Sigel has arrived from St. Louis and it is understood he will go forward with the expedition now under way.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 1, 1862, p. 2

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