
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Southern Items

The Montgomery Advertiser, of the 5th estimates the number of troops in the Rebel army from Alabama, at 17,000.  Governor Moore, in his October message, puts it at 30,000.  Which statement is true?

The Quincy (Fla.) Dispatch of the 8th instant says the British steamer Gladiator, which recently ran the Federal blockade, is safely moored in a Florida port.  Her cargo of arms is valued at two millions of dollars.

The Pensacola Observer, of the 9th, says that about one dozen slaves recently escaped to Fort Pickens.

The Marshall (Texas) Republican of the 14th inst., leans of large mortality among the Texas troops on the Potomac.

The Richmond Dispatch, of the 15th inst., has advises from New Mexico, from private sources, dated from the 19th ult., stating that General Sibley had taken possession, by proclamation , of New Mexico and Arizona, and declared martial law therein.

We here from New Orleans that the French residents in that city are anxious to escape, that they have held a meeting to take measures to effect this and that they have put themselves in communication with the Union troops at Ship Island.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 1, 1862, p. 4

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