
Friday, April 5, 2013

Two Men Frozen to Death in Adair County

We have received a letter from W. B. Hall, Clerk of Adair County describing the body of a man found dead at the frame of a building about eight miles north west of Fontanelle.  The letter was sent to us for publication in order to discover who the deceased was.

On Thursday Mr. Lewis of Audubon county, being in town and seeing the description of the deceased recognized him as Daniel Imus of Hamlin’s Grove, Audubon county.  Mr. Hall’s letter states that a memorandum book with the name of Daniel Imus, was found in the pocket of the dead man.

Daniel Imus and his brother Luke, both resided at Hamlin’s Grove.  On Wednesday the 15th inst., they left Morrison’s Station in the northwest part of this county, en route for Ringgold county and in crossing Adair were undoubtedly frozen to death.  Luke was unwell when he left Morrison’s, and nothing has been heard of him up to this writing here.  A part went out to look for him on Thursday but we have not learned the result of their search. – Both had been lately married, Daniel about three months and Luce three or four weeks ago. – {Cass County Gazette.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 1, 1862, p. 2

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