
Friday, May 3, 2013

After the St. Louis Rebels, Male and Female

ST. LOUIS, Jan. 26 – The following special Order will be issued in the morning:

HEADQUARTERS, Department of Missouri.

1.  The President, Secretary, Librarian, Directors or other officers of the Mercantile association, President, Secretary and Directors or other officers of the Chambers of Commerce of this city, are requested to take the oath of allegiance prescribed by Article 6, State Ordinance of October 16, 1861.  Any of the above officers who shall neglect to file in the office of the Provost Marshal General within 10 days of the date of this order the oath so subscribed, will be deemed to have resigned and any one who, after neglecting so to file his oath of allegiance within the time prescribed, shall attempt to exercise the functions of such an office, will be arrested for contempt of this order and punished according to the laws of war.

2.  It is officially reported that carriages bearing the enemy’s flag are in the habit of driving to the vicinity of the military prison in McDowell’s College.  The Commanding officer of the Prison Guard will seize and take possession of any carriage bearing the enemy’s flag, and the horses, carriage and harness to be confiscated.

3.  It is officially reported that certain women are in the habit of approaching the vicinity of the military prison, and waving hostile flags for the purpose of inciting our troops and carrying on communication with the prisoners of war.  The commanding officers of the Prison Guard will arrest and place in confinement all women so offending.

4.  Any carriage or other vehicle bearing a hostile flag in the city, will be seized and confiscated.  The City Police and Patrol Guards are directed to arrest persons in vehicles under such flags, also persons wearing or displaying a hostile flag in the city.

By command of Major Gen. Halleck,

N. H. McLEAN, Ass’t. Adjt. Gen.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 1, 1862, p. 4

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