
Friday, May 10, 2013

From Missouri

TIPTON, MO., Jan 23.

The division under Gen. Davis has been much retarded by bad roads and swollen streams.  Wagons and artillery have sunk axel deep.  The Big Gravois, a stream ordinarily unimportant, was swollen beyond its banks, and occupied two days in crossing.  A sharp frost having set in on Thursday night the roads will now support teams, and if unimpeded by further obstacles the column will advance rapidly.

Gen. Prentiss with his command is advancing on Labanon, to combine with the forces under Gen. Davis.  Price though formidably menaced shows no signs of falling back, and from present appearances seems determined to give battle.  Should  he maintain his position, within two weeks Springfield will be the theatre of another bloody contest, such as has made that devoted place famous in the history of the war in Missouri.

ST. LOUIS, Feb. 3.

Advices received last night by train on the Pacific road state that the brigade of Gen. Davis was at Versailles, [Morgan] Co., Wednesday, proceeding, it is conjectured, to join Gen. Curtis at Labanon.

Gen. Palmer’s brigade at Laramie is reported under marching orders of Kentucky.

Gen. Sigel left Rolla yesterday for Lebanon.  The balance of his division will follow.

SEDALIA, Feb. 3.

A commission appointed for that purpose by Gen. Pope, have been sifting regiments at this point and discharging all unfit for service.

A column moved off to-day under Col. J. W. Fuller, of the 27th Ohio.

The telegram announcing the promotion of Col. Frank Steele to the rank of Brigadier General was received with great satisfaction by all troops here.  They believe him prompt, safe, appreciative and brave, and will follow him on the march on in the field with confidence and alacrity.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport Iowa, Tuesday Morning, February 4, 1862, p. 1

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