
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Iowa Legislature

(Special to the Hawk-Eye.)

– Des Moines, Jan. 24.

Nothing important in the Senate.

HOUSE. – A resolution was introduced requesting Adjutant General Baker to furnish the House with the names of all the members of the Governor’s staff – compensation of each, and from what funds paid.  Adopted.

Mr. LANE, of Scott, presented a resolution instructing the Committee on Ways and Means to inquire into the expediency of transferring the School Fund monies to the State as a loan, and provides that the State shall pay the annual interest thereon.

Mr. HARDIE, of Dubuque, tried to get up the tabled resolution instructing the committee to report a license law.  Negatived, 77 to 15.

The vote on the special order of 2 P. M. for assuming the Federal tax, vote in favor of the bill stood, ayes 90, nays 2. Kellogg, [of] Decatur and Hardie, of Dubuque, voting against the bill.  The bill provides for the collection of $450,000 each year for the years 1862 and 1863.

The House adopted the bill making the issues of the State Bank of Iowa and Us demand notes receivable of taxes – ayes 71, nays 19.

A provision was also adopted that the bill expires by its on limitation February 1st, 1864.  A good day’s work.

(Special to Burlington Hawk-Eye.)

DES MOINES, Jan. 24, 1862.

Hon. C. C. Carpenter, of Ft. Dodge, has received the appointment of Brigadier Quarter-Master under Brigadier General McKean, in Missouri, secured through the influence of Hon. James W. Grimes.
T. H. S.

DES MOINES, Jan. 25.

HOUSE. – A communication from the Governor in answer to the resolution of the House asking how regimental officers were appointed, was received and read.  The paper is an able one, citing the law of Congress on the subject, and fully justifying the course.  Ordered to be printed.

Also, a resolution of the House, asking how many acres of Railroad land had been certified to the Secretary of the Interior showing there has been seven hundred and twenty sections certified to the Dubuque and Pacific Railroad, by the Governor and his predecessor, and the same amount to the Mississippi and Missouri Railroad.  He has no official notice of the length of the Burlington and Missouri Railroad, and has certified no land to that company.  Passed.

SENATE. – A resolution was presented asking the attention of Congress to the neglected condition of Iowa troops and their want of more surgeons, nurses and hospital stores.

Mr. HARDIE of Dubuque presented a petition forty feet long asking the repeal of the prohibitory and establish a license law.

The Military Committee reported back Mr. Delavey’s resolution asking a reduction of the salaries of commissioned officers, abolishing sutlers, and all except one band to each Brigade.  It will pass.

The Senate spent most of the Session discussing the Post Master question for the Assembly.

The Ways and Means Committee reported back Senator Gue’s bill fixing juror’s fees at one dollar and twenty five cents, and collecting six dollars cost to be paid by the losing party.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 1, 1862, p. 4

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