
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Loss Of The Rebels At New Orleans

We are not aware that any authentic report has been published of the number of rebels killed during the siege at Forts Jackson and St. Philip.  The officers of Fort Jackson informed our correspondent that they had fifteen killed and thirty five wounded.  From the officers of Fort St. Philip he learned that only one man was killed and three wounded by our shot.  The loss on the Confederate gunboats is set down as follow[s]: Louisiana, one killed and two wounded, including McIntosh, her commander, severely; Manassas, none; McRae, eight killed and three wounded, including Huger, her commander; Gov. Moore, fifty killed and fourteen wounded.  The Captain of the Resolute, Hooper, was mortally wounded.  The other steamers lost about twenty each.  Making the total in killed and wounded of nearly four hundred, according to the rebel accounts. – {Boston Journal.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, June 7, 1862, p. 1

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