
Thursday, June 20, 2013

From California


The ship Joseph Peabody has been forfeited to the Government for smuggling.

Trade has recently revived, to supply the demand for goods suitable to the Oregon and British Columbia mines, in advance of anticipated large emigration business with the interior.

Gen. Wright has issued an order requiring the arrest of persons charged with aiding and abetting, by words or acts, the rebellion.  Such persons are to be confined, unless they subscribe the oath of allegiance.


The Steamer Panama has arrived from Mazatlan.  The Confederates in New Mexico and Arizona are making efforts to bring the Boarder States into sympathy with them.

Gen. Sibley, commanding the Rebels [sic] forces, had sent Col. Reiley to open negotiations with the Governor of Sonora.  Reiley tendered troops to enter Sonora, and chastise the Apache Indians, for whose service he asked the right of way overland from Guaymas to Arizona, and also the privilege of purchasing supplies at Mazatlan.  The Governor entered into a long correspondence with Reiley, and sent a special messenger to the Governor of Cinalva, on the subject of his mission.  No definite arrangements appear to be agreed upon, but Reiley received courteous treatment from the Government officials, and at last accounts had arrived at Guaymas, where he boasted that he had been far more successful than he had hoped for.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, May 1, 1862, p. 2

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