
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

From New Orleans

Gen. Butler, of all our military Governors has the most thorough appreciation of the Secessionists, and is always master of the situation.  And the General not only appreciates the secesh but very soon learns them to appreciate him, as witness the following items among many of the same sort, which we get from New Orleans. He throws out Confederate notes and shinplasters, forbids the fast day appointed by “one Jefferson Davis” – suppresses newspapers – protects the people and feeds the poor – learns Secesh women proper behavior and descent deportment – snubs the City Fathers and takes down the high sailing rebel by several pegs if not more.  The New Orleans snobs and would be gentry are likely to improve in their manners if not in their morals under the administration of “Picayune Butler.”


Trade is beginning to revive in New Orleans.  The true Delta announces the arrival, on the 15th inst., of a load of cotton by the steamer Diana from Plaquemine.  Cattle had come in from the Red river, and an arrival from Carolina Bluff is reported, with corn, oats, flour and bacon.  In order to encourage the shipments of cotton, General Butler issued the following order promising protection to the cargoes:

The Commanding General of the Department having been informed that rebellious lying and desperate men have represented and are now representing to the honest planters and the good people of the State of Louisiana that the United States Government, by its forces have come here to confiscate and destroy their crops of cotton and sugar, it is hereby ordered  to be made known by publication in all the newspapers of this city that all cargoes of cotton and sugar shall receive the safe conduct of the forces of the United States and the boats bringing them from beyond the lines of the United States force may be allowed to return in safety after a reasonable delay, if their owners shall so desire.  Provided, they bring no passengers except the owners and managers of said boat and of the property so conveyed, and no other merchandise except provisions of which such boats are requested to bring a full supply for the benefit of the suffering poor of the city.

By command of Major General Butler,

A. A. G. Chief of Staff


On the 16th Gen. Butler suppressed the New Orleans Bee, and took possession of the Delta office, by virtue of the following “special order.”

I.  The New Orleans Bee newspaper having published an elaborate though covert argument in favor of the cotton burning mob is hereby suppressed.  No publication of any description will issue from that office until further orders.

II.  The New Orleans Delta newspaper having, in an article of to-day’s issue, discussed the cotton question in a manner which violates the terms of the proclamation of the 1st of May instant from these headquarters the office that of that paper will be taken possession of and its business conducted under direction of the United States authorities.

By command of Maj. Gen. Butler,

GEO. C. STRONG, A. A. General.


On the same day the following order, forbidding the use of Confederate notes was issued by General Butler:

I.  It is hereby ordered that neither the city of New Orleans, nor the banks thereof shall exchange their notes, bills or obligations for Confederate notes, bills or bonds, nor issue any bill not or obligation payable in Confederate notes.

II.  On the twenty seventh day of May, instant, all circulation of, or trade in Confederate notes and bills will cease within this Department, and sales or transfers of property made on or after that day in consideration of such notes or bills, directly or indirectly will be void, and the property confiscated to the United States – one fourth thereof to go to the informer.

By command of Maj. Gen. Butler,

Chief of Staff


General Butler also issued the following order, prohibiting the observance of Jeff. Davis’ fast day:

New Orleans, May 13, 1862

It having come to the knowledge of the commanding General that Friday next is proposed to be observed as a day of fasting and prayer, in obedience to some supposed proclamation of one Jefferson Davis in the several churches of this city, it is ordered that no such observance be had.

Churches and religious houses are to be kept open as in times of profound peace, but no religious exercises are to be had upon the supposed authority above mentioned.

By command of Maj. Gen. Butler,

GEO. C. STRONG, A. A. General


The Herald correspondent says in relation to Gen. butler’s order that all women insulting the soldiers should be treated as “women of the town plying their avocations:”

“The order gives great satisfaction to the command to whom the conduct of the disloyal ladies of the city has become absolutely intolerable.  The Mayor and the violent secessionists received it in high dudgeon and the Mayor addressed the following letter on the subject to General Butler.  The order contains no reflections whatever on the virtue of New Orleans ladies but leaves their future reputation to their behavior after the date of the order.  A more effectual method of abating such an evil could not be devised, and I believe it will be entirely successful.  But here is the Mayor’s letter. –

May 16, 1862

Major Gen. Benjamin F. Butler, Commanding United States Forces

SIR – Your general order No. 28 of date 15th inst., which reads as follows – (here follows order 28, respecting ladies) – is of a character so extraordinary and astonishing that I cannot, holding the office of Chief Magistrate of this city, chargeable with its peace and dignity suffer it to be promulgated in our presence without protesting against the threat it contains, which has already aroused the passions of our people, and must exasperate them to a degree beyond control.  Your officers and soldiers are permitted, by the terms of this order to place any construction they may please upon the conduct of our wives and daughters, and upon such construction, to offer them atrocious insults.  The peace of the city and the safety of your officers and soldiers from harm or insult have, I affirm, been successfully secured to an extent enabling them to move through our streets almost unnoticed, according to the understanding and agreement entered into between yourself and the city authorities.  I did not however anticipate a war upon women and children, who, so far as I am aware, have only manifested their displeasure at the occupation of their city by those whom they believe to be their enemies and I will never undertake to be responsible for the peace of New Orleans while such an edict, which infuriates our citizens, remains in force.  To give a license to the officers and soldiers of your command to commit outrages such as are indicated in your order upon defenseless women is, in my judgment a reproach to the civilization not to say to the Christianity, of the age, in whose name I make this protest.

I am sir, your obedient servant,


To this disrespectful letter Gen. Butler vouchsafed the following unequivocal answer:

NEW ORLEANS, May 16, 1862

John T. Monroe late Mayor of the City of New Orleans, is relieved from all responsibility for the peace of the city, and is suspended from the exercise of any official functions, and committed to Fort Jackson until further order.

Major General Commanding.


Correspondence of the N. Y. Herald


Since my last letter a number of prominent citizens have been arrested and sent to Fort Jackson.  The most notable are John T. Monroe, Mayor of New Orleans, D. G. Duncan, the Mayor’s Private Secretary, John McClellan, Chief of Police, Judge Kennedy, Lucien Adams, Recorder in the Fourth District, and Benj. S. Harrison, formerly a member of the City Council.  Mr. Mazarat, Lieutenant of Police, was ordered under arrest, but the order was afterwards rescinded.

These arrests are peculiarly grateful to the respectable portion of this community, as all of them but Judge Kennedy have long been in notoriously bad odor.  The Mayor and his clique have been doing their utmost by covert measures to harass and impede General Butler in promoting a friendly feeling towards the United States Government, and they have placed an injurious construction on almost every step that the General has taken.  Last Saturday morning after the Mayor had the day previous apologized for his insolent, insulting letter to General Order No. 28, regarding the conduct of the women he again called at headquarters for the purpose of withdrawing his apology or obtaining a modification of the order.  Gen. Butler told him unequivocally that he had nothing to modify; that he was not sorry for what he had written, that he would not withdraw it if he could, and could not if he would, but, at the request of the Mayor, the General gave him permission to publish the offensive letter and the apology, and to add that the order applied only to those women who had insulted by word, look, or gesture the officers of soldiers of the United States army.  He also told him that he could append to the correspondence the startling fact that “water is wet” and “blackbirds are black” – a delicate piece of satire that I fear was entirely lost upon the obtuse intelligence of the magistrate.  After an explanation from the General that would have been thoroughly clear to the comprehension of a child, the Mayor left, apparently satisfied, but Saturday night he again sent the General a letter, the counterpart of the first.  Yesterday morning he was again at headquarters with several of his friends, including Judge Kennedy, John McClellan, Chief of Police, and D. G. Duncan.  The mayor demanded the right to withdraw his apology, and Gen. Butler granted it, but informed Mr. Mayor that he had played with the United States authority long enough, and now he had to go to Fort Jackson.  The other parties named above, admitting their approval of the Mayor’s conduct, were also sent to Fort Jackson.

In addition to the Mayor’s conduct in regard to Order No. 28, he has been guilty in conjunction with other members of the city government, of giving material aid and comfort to the enemy since our occupation, and the Monroe Guard – of which I have an account in my letter of the 10th – expected (and probably with reason) that he would pay handsomely for the “honor” paid him in selecting his name for the corps.  The General announced to the above gentlemen that he should hold them as hostage for the good behavior of the city.

Ben Harrison and Lucien Adams are chiefs of the “Thugs,” had have been the most relentless persecutors of Union men.  Their arrest will enable descent people to sleep more securely at night.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, June 7, 1862, p. 1

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