
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Iowa Items

A large company, consisting of 43 persons, having with them 12 wagons and 116 horses, passed through Iowa City last week bound for California.  They were from Northern Illinois.

RESIGNED. – Maj. Brodtbeck, of the 12th regiment has resigned on account of ill health.  Gen. Grant refused him permission to return home when taken sick, but gave him the alternative of going to the hospital or resigning.  He tried the former, but finding his health not improving he gave up his commission.

D. A. Mahony & Co., of the Dubuque Herald, sued the postmaster of that city, at the late term of the U. S. Court, for a claim of $35, for publishing uncalled-for letters from April to December, 1861, and also for $2,000 for not publishing the letter list in the Herald.  The defendant demurred, and the Court sustained the demurrer, holding the plaintiff had no cause of action, and if he had the Court had no jurisdiction.  This is “rough” on Mahony, who had been threatening “starting developments” would be made when the U. S. Court met.

The following Iowa wounded were brought to Keokuk last Monday:

Jasper T. Hubbard, Co. H, 2d; R. H. Jones, Co. G, 6th; J. W. West, Co. G, 7th; Edward T. Lanning, do; R. Austin, Co. H, 7th; H. Nichols, Co. F, 13th; C. H. Martin, Co. G. 13th; M. T. Snyder, Co. K, 13th; H. Loomis Co. G, 14th.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, May 2, 1862, p. 2

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