
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Local Matters

IF you want wall papers of the newest patterns, go to Plummer’s, No. 50 Brady st.  *tf

THE cheapest and largest stock of Dry goods in the State is to be found at Whisler’s.

LADIES will find some beautiful styles of gilt curtain cornices at Sickels’ hardware store.

GREAT EXPECTATIONS can be realized by calling at Plummer’s and buying some of those new styles of wall papers.  *tf

THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY, for May is a superb number, altogether superior to that of April.  We advise ever one to get it and mentally digest its contents.

DECORATE your dwellings with some of those recherché patterns of wall paper wihc can be seen only at Plummer’s, no. 50 Brady street.  *tf

“ARTEMUS WARD,” The veritable, lectured in Keokuk on Tuesday evening.  We hope he will extend his travels up the big river.

SOMETHING NEW in the way of wall paper is coming, and will be opened at Plummer’s No. 50 Brady street, in two or three days.  Look out for the finest patterns ever seen in this part of the country.  *tf

LANDLORDS, paper your houses with some of the beautiful paper hangings which can be found only at Plummer’s.  Then on rent day, instead of being met at the door with a broomstick, you will be greeted with pleasant smiles.  *tf

JUST RECEIVED at Farrand’s another large invoice of infants and misses’ Straw Goods.  Also, gents’ Hats and Caps of all grades and styles, for sale at low figures, at Corner 2d and Main streets.

SNOW IN OHIO. – A friend has received a letter from Warren county, Ohio, which states, that the latter part of last week there fell one of the deepest snows they have had there this spring.  Trees in leaf and in bloom were so completely covered that neither leaf nor blossom was to be seen.  Farmers were feeling very much discouraged.

W. B. SLOAN. – The papers throughout the State who have been advertising for this citizen of Chicago the last year, have begun to find out that he is one of the class of men who never pay the printer, and are publishing him accordingly.  He is an arrant quack and imposter, and so far as the press is concerned, – not the law, mind ye – has about run to the end of his tether.

DRY GOODS. – We direct attention to the advertisement of Mr. C. S. Whisler, in to-day’s paper.  He is one of the most systematic advertisers in the city, purchases for cash and sells for cash, and any one who wishes to get the worth of his or her money, should give him a call.  They will find every article in his line of business, and at the most reasonable prices.

THE MISSISSIPPI river is now emphatically the Father of Waters.  It is within six inches of being as high as the flood of last year and lacks but twenty-seven inches of the great flood of 1851, the highest known since 1828, before the town of Davenport had a being. – Report was received yesterday of a rise of five feet yet to come, which would be equivalent to about three feet additional here.  If we send to Cairo such a body of waters, unless the Ohio river falls very rapidly, that city will be completely submerged.

APPEARANCE DOCKET. -  Four hundred cases have been entered in the Appearance Docket, ant the Court House, with memoranda of each case.  In all cases hereafter commenced, this docket will be a complete history.  The book is gotten up in the usual good style of Luse, Lane & Co., and Mr. Jenson, of the Clerk’s office, has done the clerical portion of the work very creditably.


In Davenport on Thursday, April 29th, by Rev. W. Windsor, Mr. WM. THOMPSON and Miss  SARAH F. DUNCAN.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, May 1, 1862, p. 1

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