
Tuesday, June 11, 2013


To the People of Iowa!

The Rebellion, against which you have been so long and so gallantly contending, is not yet quelled, but requires yet another sacrifice to complete its work.  The enemy is now putting forth every effort desperation can suggest to accomplish his purpose.  He is levying en masse all men within his reach capable of bearing arms, and is now holding our armies in check, has driven one division out of Virginia, and threatens to invade Maryland, and capture Washington itself.

Our government calls for more troops, and must have them.  Having done so much to crush this foul conspiracy against our government, and having been lately so signally blessed in our labors, we must meet these new efforts of the enemy with corresponding force.  The valor and patriotism of Iowa have never been appealed to in vain.  They now have one more test and will not fail.  We have sent more than twenty thousand men to the field, and every one a willing volunteer in his country’s cause.  Our soldiers have proved themselves the “Bravest of the Brave.”  We have thousands more as heroic hearts who are wanted with their brothers in the field.

It is probable that more than one regiment will be required, and that they will be sent to Washington.  I call on the young men of Iowa to answer the demand with that alacrity with which similar demands have been responded to heretofore.

Let those who cannot enlist, encourage and assist those who can, and those who can defend their country’s cause, come forward to the rescue of the best government ever given to man, from the attacks of those who would destroy all our institutions of liberty in one common ruin.


– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, June 7, 1862, p. 2.  See also Benjamin F. Shambaugh, editor, The Messages and Proclamations of the Governors of Iowa, Volume 2, p. 495-6.

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