
Sunday, June 23, 2013


Lieut. Benton, of Co. B., 8th regiment, arrived in town yesterday morning on the Jennie Whipple.  Lieut. B. had been sick two weeks before the battle of Shiloh, and at that time was unable to leave his bed.  During the first day’s fight, the enemy got so near to where he was confined, that some of his men insisted on removing him, notwithstanding his earnest remonstrance.  They took him to the landing, but were not permitted to take him on a steamboat, as he was not wounded, and was left on the landing, where he lay from Sunday till Tuesday morning, without anything to eat, and exposed to the storms at night during the battle.  He was wet through and in that condition was taken back to the hospital, suffering from typhoid fever.  He was subsequently brought to St. Louis and taken to a hospital whence Mrs. Doughterty, a benevolent lady of that city, had him removed to a private house, where he was kindly cared for. – Lieut. Benton’s sister went to St. Louis and brought him to this city, whence he started for his home, in Blue Grass, yesterday.  We hope for his early restoration to health under the genial skies of Iowa.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, May 2, 1862, p. 1

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