
Monday, July 15, 2013

From Cairo

CAIRO, May 2.

The river is stationary, and eight inches higher than was ever before known.

The news from Pittsburg is of the highest importance, but its transmission over the wires is prohibited.

The bombardment of Fort Pillow is continued by mortars, at short intervals.  It was generally believed that a simultaneous attack would be made by the fleet before the close of the week.

Deserters say that the entire rebel gunboat fleet, under command of Hollins, had arrived at Fort Pillow, and would make an attack on Com. Foote as soon as preparations were complete.

A Memphis paper of the 24th April says a meeting held the night previous had concluded to burn the city in case of the approach of the Federal fleet.

The fall of New Orleans is referred to, but no particulars are given.

An editorial urgently calls on the people to reinforce Price at Fort Pillow, as the only hope of salvation of the city.

Gov. Yates left here to-ni9ght for Pittsburg, with the steamer Champion, fitted up to accommodate 400 wounded Illinois soldiers.  He also takes up a large quantity of sanitary stores for distribution among the Illinois hospitals.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, May 5, 1862, p. 2

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