
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

From Washington

Herald’s Dispatch


It is the intention of the President to issue a proclamation in a few days opening the ports of Newbern, Beaufort, Savannah, Fernandina, and New Orleans to the trade of the world.  This important measure will release the Administration for any international embarrassments, and largely tend to restore the entente cordial between the sections of the country.

The Senate finance committee has determined to report the tax bill to-morrow, or Tuesday at the farthest.  They have been unable to make many important changes contemplated, and will probably leave whisky and tobacco untouched.  It is a singular fact, worthy of note in Congress, that no remonstrance from any quarter has been made against a high tariff upon these articles, but the dealers and manufacturers are all in favor of placing it at the highest figure.  This will probably be done either by the Senate or a committee of conference.

Special to Tribune.

We have news from Richmond via Fredericksburg, of importance.  The people of the rebel capital are panic stricken.  The wealthy citizens are packing up their furniture and sending in into the country.

An apparently intoxicated person the past week, passing by the tobacco works where our soldiers are confined, cried out to them, “Cheer up, boys, McClellan or McDowell will be here in a few days.”  Then a sentry shot him dead.

Our Commanding General galloping into Fredericksburg yesterday afternoon, with his staff, was received with closed doors.  Not a door open of house or store; not a face to be seen, except now and then that of a curious damsel peering through half closed blinds at the cavalcade of Yankees.


The following important circulars have been addressed to the foreign ministers, announcing the reopening of communication with southern localities, reconquered from the insurgents.


SIR – I have the honor to state, for  your information, that the mails are now allowed to pass to and from New Orleans and other places, which having been heretofore seized by insurgents, have since been recovered and are now reopened by the land and naval forces of the Unites States.  It is proper, however, to add that a military surveillance is maintained over such mails as far as the Government finds it necessary for the public safety.

I am sir, your ob’t serv’t,


May 5.

SIR – I have the honor to state, for the information of your Government, that a collector has been appointed by the President for New Orleans, and that the necessary preparations are being made to modify the blockade so far as to permit limited shipments to be made to and from that and one or more other ports, which are now closed, at times and upon considerations which will be made known by proclamation.

I am sir, your ob’t serv’t


– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, May 6, 1862, p. 1

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