
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

George W. Brindle to Mrs. L. Bolles, March 2, 1863

Dubuque Iowa
February Mch 2/63

Mrs. L. Bolles
Sand Springs [Iowa]

Dr. Madam & Sister,

Enclosed find five dollars sent me by your husband to pay expenses on securing accommodations for his chaplaincy and having it acknowledged &c. &c.

The expense was nothing to speak of and the trouble was freely taken – so I remit to you.

He spoke also of sending you groceries for the amt. In case there was no expense but in inquiring I learn that there is really no difference in the price of those articles worthy of [matter] between this place and the smaller towns around.

So here is it is.

My love to your little girl whom I met when her father was in camp here.

Faithfully yrs,

Geo. W. Brindle

SOURCE: This item was listed for sale on Ebay on July 15, 2013.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Lorenzo Bolles, Jr. was the Chaplain of the 21st Iowa Infantry.  He enlisted in Company K as a private on July 28, 1862, and was promoted Chaplain January 6, 1863.  He resigned July 16, 1863.

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