
Monday, July 29, 2013

Iowa Items

Pitt Cooke, Esq., of Ohio, took the entire non-resident delinquent tax list at the late sale in Franklin county, amounting to near 60,000 acres, and producing a revenue of about 7,000.  This amount put all the county finances in a flourishing condition.

The 4th Iowa Cavalry reached the camp of Billows Creek, Taney county, Mo., about the 17th ult.

The Tipton Advertiser suggests the 10th of September next as the time, and Tipton as the place, for holding the Republican Congressional convention for this district.

Patrick Donegan, an industrious citizen of Dubuque, was killed on Wednesday night last by falling into a mineral hole.  He left a wife and four children to mourn his untimely death.

One Vowell, of Keokuk, is threatening to demolish the editor of the Gate City for speaking disparagingly of secession sympathizers.  Which Vowel is that, friend Howell?  We presume he is one of the numerous family of i. o. u’s.

John Sherfey brought into town yesterday the head of a cold born two or three days since, which had but one eye, and was minus the upper jaw.  The single eye was located in the most approved Cyclopean style – right in the center of the forehead, and was very large.  The upper jaw being non est, the lower one protruded far out like the nose of a shovel fish.  Barring these two little discrepancies the animal was otherwise all right.  It lived but one hour. – Muscatine Journal, 3d.

Maj. Perry, of the 3d Iowa cavalry, has taken command at Lebanon, Mo., in place of Col. Warren who rejoins his regiment.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, May 6, 1862, p. 2

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