
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Southern News


According to reliable information from Richmond the planters have determined to raise no tobacco this season, and the military had received the stock on hand to prevent its falling into the hands of the Federal army.  The Richmond Examiner of May 2d contains the annexed news and items:


A dispatch from the Corinth correspondent of the Republican, dated 28th April, says the enemy have been reinforced and are advancing.  There is heavy skirmishing daily.  Quite an affair occurred to-day this side of Monterey.

MOBILE, May 1.

A special dispatch to the Mobile Advertiser, from Corinth, 26th ult., says that Col. Scott, of the Louisiana Cavalry, with two companies, had driven out a regiment of Federals from Tuscumbia, killing several and taking 40 prisoners.  The enemy burnt their stores and were pursued by the Confederates.  The result is unknown.  The telegraph operator from the Bay St. Louis has telegraphed the Mobile office that the stores at New Orleans were being emptied of sugar and molasses, which were thrown into the streets and river.  The city was to have been formally surrendered on the 16th ult., but the time was extended.  Some of the enemy’s vessels have gone up river.

AUGUSTA, April 30.

The New Orleans Bulletin of Friday, says that F. D. Renshaw, Confederate States Navy Agent telegraphed from Point Alabasche on the 26th, that seven of our gunboats had been fired after being overpowered by the enemy.

The Navy Department received a similar dispatch last Saturday, but it is not known what boats are referred to.


Gen. Lawton has formally communicated to the city council his determination to surrender the city.  The council have resolved to sustain Gen. Lawton.

MEMPHIS, April 29.

Dr. Foulkes, editor of the Memphis Avalanche, has been arrested for publishing an article calculated to array the planters against the government.


The Federals have captured a small battery of two guns near White’s Point, twenty two miles from Charleston.

Gen. Evans has sent a force to look after the Yankees.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, May 5, 1862, p. 1

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