
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Battle of Shiloh: Federal Positions Before the Confederate Attack

From a Sketch Prepared for the [Cincinnati] Gazette
Special Correspondent by Division Engineer Freeman.


Position of our Divisions and Brigades In camp on Sunday morning, before attack:

First Division, Major-General McClernand.
Second Division, Brigadier-General W. H. L. Wallace.
(Third Division, Major-General Wallace, at Crump’s Landing, 9 miles below.)
Fourth Division, Brigadier-General Hurlburt [sic].
Fifth Division, three Brigades (Buckland’s, Hildebrand’s and McDowell’s) Brigadier General Sherman – Log church known as “Shiloh,” at point Division Camp crosses the Corinth road; taken as headquarters rebel by Commander-in-Chief Sunday afternoon.
Sixth Division, Brigadier General Prentiss.
Stuart’s brigade of General Sherman’s Division, forming extreme left of our whole line.

– Abstracted from "Battle of Pittsburg," The Chicago Tribune, Chicago, Illinois, Wednesday, April 16, 1862, p. 2

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