
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Collapse of the Rebellion

Forney in a recent letter from Washington to the Press says:– “The collapse of the so-called Confederacy will unveil the details by which the conspiracy was enabled to maintain itself, and will startle the whole civilized world.  The President, commenting last evening upon the capture of New Orleans, took occasion to repeat his confidence in the restoration of the Union.  If the rebels will not surrender they will be doomed to a terrible retribution; and if they yield, there will be no exhibition of revenge or of retaliation, save that which offended justice, as against the chiefs of the revolt may demand.  There are so many means now at the disposal of the Government to force the surrender, so many reasons for indulgence to a misguided people, and so many fast interests that would be encouraged by such a result, that you need not be surprised if the conversion of the Southern masses to the old flag should be as sudden and as sincere as their submission to the rebel rule was rapid.  If other nations were amazed at the progress of this conspiracy, they will be wonder-stricken at the manner in which it is about to be put down.”

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, May 9, 1862, p. 2

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