
Thursday, August 1, 2013

From Yorktown

WASHINGTON, Sunday, May 4 – Noon.

The following report just received from Fort Monroe, says Yorktown was evacuated last night.  We now occupy the enemy’s works.  They left a large amount of camp equipage and guns which they could not destroy for fear of being seen.

May 3rd.

Hon. E. W. [sic] Stanton, Secretary of War, Washington:

We have ramparts, guns, ammunition, camp equipage, &c.  We hold entire control of the works, which our engineers report very strong.  I have thrown all my cavalry and horse artillery in pursuit, supported by infantry.  I move Franklin’s division and as much more as can be transported by water to West Point to-day.  No time shall be lost.  Gunboats have gone up York River.  Gloucester is in our possession.  I shall push the enemy to the wall.


We entered the enemy’s works at 5 this A. M., which their rear deserted 41 hours before.  Found everything in utter confusion.  About 50 pieces of heavy artillery were left spiked.  Found medical stores, ammunition, camp equipage, tents and private property.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, May 6, 1862, p. 2

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