
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Brigadier General George G. Meade to Margaretta Sergeant Meade, September 26, 1861

TENALLYTOWN, September 26, 1861.

Yesterday, Baldy Smith1 made one of his reconnoissances, and our division was held in readiness all day to move at a moment's notice to support him, in case of emergency. He returned, however, without encountering any force of consequence, though we could see him from my tent firing his artillery at small bodies hovering around him. To-day being the day set apart by the President for fasting, humiliation and prayer, all duties were suspended and the day observed as Sunday. I have a letter from Willie,2 written in good spirits, and saying he expects to take the field in a few weeks, with the First Battalion of his regiment.

1 Brigadier-General William F. Smith, commanding a division, and an old Detroit friend of the Meade family.

2 William Sergeant, brother of Mrs. Meade, captain 12th U. S. Inf. Afterward wounded at Gravelly Run, Va., March 29, 1865. Died April 11, 1865.

SOURCE: George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Vol. 1, p. 220-1

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