
Friday, September 20, 2013

Editor Of Gazette:

At A meeting of the executive committee of the Scott County Soldiers’ Relief Association, held on the 7th inst., it was resolved that in order to obtain such information of the condition of our sick and wounded soldiers in Tennessee as would enable the Association to labor understandingly in their behalf, and that a faithful disposal of all supplies donated might be secured, a competent person should be appointed to proceed without delay to Savannah, Pittsburg, and vicinity, to visit the troops in the field and report from time to time to the Association the results of his investigations.  Messrs. J. S. Thompson, J. L. Davies, and G. S. C. Dow, were appointed a committee to nominate such a person and report their nomination to the Executive committee.  At a meeting held on the 19th inst., this committee reported their inability to select an agent, no suitable person having expressed a willingness to go. – By a unanimous vote I. M. Gifford was requested to act, and in compliance with urgent request consented.  A committee of five appointed to confer with Gov. Kirkwood deputed Rev. A. J. Kynett to act for them, and through him a commission was secured for Mr. Gifford as agent of the State, with authority to visit sick and wounded in the field, and render them assistance as may be needed. – Acting under this commission and with the co-operation of the Association, Mr. G. left for Pittsburg Landing this morning, attended by Mr. L. G. Centre, engaged as nurse, and provided with medicines, wines, &c. for the sick.  If he deem it necessary Mr. G. is empowered to charter a steamboat on the Tennessee for the conveyance of wounded soldiers home or to hospitals.  The Governor will appropriate as much towards the payment of the expenses of this agency as the limited funds at his disposal will permit, but it is probable that the greater part of the cost must be met by voluntary contributions through the Scott Co. Association or by the co-operation of the several county organizations with the Iowa Army Sanitary Commission.  This co-operation it is hoped to secure through the action of the State Sanitary Convention, to be held in this city on the 28th inst.  In the meantime it is hoped that the friends of the soldier will continue their efforts in obtaining the funds, without which the Association cannot prosecute the work it has begun.

On behalf of the Executive Committee.


Davenport, May 13, 1862.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, May 14, 1862, p. 1

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