
Monday, September 9, 2013

Local Matters

I. O. G. T. – The public installation of the officers of Adar Lodge, I. O. G. T. is postponed till next Tuesday evening.

FENCING. – Alling & Williams have received the first installment of lumber for the season.  See their advertisement.

THE best assortment of Ladies’ English Gaiters in the city, can be found at Child & Co.’s, 23 Brady st.  All made expressly to their order of various widths and sizes.  No trouble to get a good fit.

DO NOT fail to call in at Farrand’s to-day and examine the fine selection of Children’s straw goods.  All the latest styles of gents’ soft and silk hats for sale low, at corner of 2d and Main streets.

MAIL AGENT. – Our Fellow Citizen, Mr. S. P. Fidler, has been appointed by the P. O. Department, U. S. Mail Agent between Davenport and Keokuk.  This is an excellent appointment and we have no doubt our old friend will fill it to the entire satisfaction of all concerned.

S. M. PETTINGILL & CO. – This advertising agency, the oldest and best in the East, have removed their office from 119 Nassau street, New York, where they have been located for the last eight years, to more eligible premises, No. 37 Park Row, fronting the Park and City Hall.

If western publishers would receive advertisements from New York and other Eastern cities, only through this or some other responsible agency, they would subject themselves to less losses than they annually incur, by depending upon the word of faithless advertisers.

THE CONCERT given on Wednesday evening last deserves especial mention, not only on account of being, as a whole, excellent, but for variety, the best that has ever been given in Metropolitan Hall.  It is only necessary to say of the Orchestra, that their part was done in their usual good style, although two or three of the leading performers were sick and unable to attend, making it necessary to give their parts to others.  But under the able leadership of Mr. Strasser, notwithstanding the absence of a portion of their number they performed their part well.  The choruses, quartettes and trios were all very well given, especially so when we take into consideration the fact that many of the singers have been absent from most of the rehearsals.

But the most prominent features of the concert were the solos.  A violin solo by Miss Alice Hirschl was executed in fine style.  Miss Hirschl draws the bow very smoothly and executes the most rapid passages in good taste.  The song by Miss Frank Dougherty was well given and enthusiastically received.  Miss Dougherty has a pure soprano voice, very sweet and clear, which might be improved in volume by proper cultivation.  She should cultivate the chest tone. – Piano Forte Solo, by Miss Alice Dutton, was performed admirably, and received with tremendous applause.  Miss Dutton is a perfect prodigy – only ten years of age, and executes the most difficult music at sight.  It will take but a short time to bring her up to the standard of the best pianist’s in the country.  Violin Solo, by Mr. J. Strasser.  It is only necessary to mention Mr. Strasser’s name as the performer, to give those who have heard him play, an idea of the performance; and to those who have not heard him, (if there are any such in this community) we say, do not allow another opportunity to hear him pass unimproved.  He was loudly applauded.  Guitar Solo, by Dr. Charles Newell, was one of the best features of the concert; his execution was very fine and elicited great applause.  His superior as a guitarist does not live in this region, and we very much doubt if he has ever visited this part of our country.  Mr. J. C. Wallace, the Musical Director, who has been mainly instrumental in collecting together, combining and bringing out the musical force who took part in the entertainment, deserves the thanks of the community.  “Long may he wave.”

R. KRAUSE, No. 36. Has the largest stock of Hats and Caps in the city, and is determined that no one shall undersell him.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, May 10, 1862, p. 1

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