
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Local Matters

WANTED. – A journeyman tinner, at Geo. W. Smiley’s stove store.  None but a good workman need apply.

PLOWING MATCH. – The plowing match of the Winfield Township Agricultural Society comes off to-day on the farm of Mr. Irving Quinn, Long Grove.

EVERGREENS. – D. F. Kinsey, of Black Hawk Nursery, Rock Island, has the finest lot of evergreens in the West.  Citizens of Davenport are requested to call and examine his stock.

GODEY’S LADY’S BOOK. – The June number of this fashionable monthly is already received, and as usual is beautifully illustrated and teems with good things for the ladies.  It may be had at the bookstores.

MASONIC. – At a meeting of Davenport Lodge No. 37 at A. F. and A. M., held last Monday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: O. H. Watson, W. M.; W. F. Kidder, S. W.;  F. H. Griggs, J. W.; Geo. H. French, Treas.; Fred. Koops, Sec’y; J. W. Jamison, S. D.; J. M. Dunn, J. D.

A NUISANCE. – A number of defunct cavalry horses were buried a few days ago near the Fair Ground under the direction of military authorities.  The work was not properly done, however, the bodies not being fully covered.  The effluvia in the neighborhood is consequently very rank, and calls for remedial action.

THE DAILY ARGUS is the title of the new Democratic paper established at Burlington, the first number of which appeared on Monday last.  It is of the Mahony stripe of politics and well calculated to stir up the dirty waters of pro-slaveryism in the loyal county of Des Moines.

THE best assortment and the best qualities of dry goods in the city can be found at Wadsworth’s.  His stock of dress goods, shawls, raglans and sacques is complete and any lady wishing the latest styles at low prices should not fail to call and examine his stock.  dw*

CROPS. – The reports from the country speak very favorably of the growing crops.  The season, though rather late, has been excellent since it began.  The few showers have been very opportune, and everything now seems to promise abundant harvests to reward the farmer’s toil.

NEW GOODS. – Mrs. McCullough has just received per express new straw goods, in different styles, checked silks, and new designs in ribbons.  Ladies desiring the latest styles, and first class goods, would do well to examine her stock.  She buys and sells exclusively for cash, and can therefore afford to offer superior advantages to purchasers.   *

INDIANS. – A couple of Indians, of the Musquawka tribe, have recently arrived in town from the West.  One of them is sadly crippled, having had both feet frozen off; he walks on his knees.  Such an object commends itself to the charity of spectators, and many a hand, as he passes by, dives into the pocket-book in search of something to help the poor fellow along.

HAINES’ HARVESTERS. – We call attention to the advertisement of Hanes’ Harvester in to-day’s paper.  This machine is rising in popular favor, and seems destined to continue to do so.  Mr. Cook, its general western agent, is a shrewd, intelligent, straightforward business man, and one, we should think, who will adhere to whatever he says, and fulfill all he promises.

FIFTH WARD ELECTION. – It should not be forgotten that an alderman is to be elected in the Fifth Ward next Saturday, to fill the place vacated by Ald. LeClaire.  It is about time to bring out the candidates, so that the people may be fully advised of their qualifications before voting.  Let the best man in the ward be selected, or both parties unite on some good man as a candidate.

AN UGLY CUSTOMER. – An Irishman, whose family name seems to be lost in antiquity, but who is commonly called “Billy, the mule,” was arrested by officer Brown, yesterday morning, and brought down to jail from his house on Perry street, above the Fair Grounds.  This Billy, if all accounts are true, ought to have received the attention of the authorities some time ago.  When under the influence of liquor, it appears he blockades the road by his house, and undertakes to prevent the public from using it.  One day last week, as a drayman was driving by, Billy ranged his own horse and dray across the street, so that the other could not pass.  The latter got down, and taking Billy’s horse by the head, backed him out of the road.  Billy then seized a shovel, and struck at the other drayman, who used his whip in return.  Monday evening, a young colored man, in the employ of Mr. Preston, went that way looking for cows, when Billy made him turn his horse’s head, and go around through a mud hole.  Returning subsequently with the cattle, he had to come by Billy’s a second time, when a fight ensued between that worthy and the sable gentleman, in which the latter dealt his opponent some pretty hard blows with the butt end of the whip.  The neighbors finally separated them.  Complaint was made yesterday morning against Billy, and a warrant issued for his apprehension.  He was accordingly arrested, though not without resistance by himself and wife, and was brought to jail on a dray.  Billy seems to be a mortal enemy to “niggers,” and has notified some of the residents on the bluff, who have colored men in their employ, that they must keep them out of his reach.  From what we can learn of him, he seems to be a perfect terror to the neighbors around when intoxicated.  A little wholesome punishment will do him no harm.

A TRIUMPH OF CHEMISTRY. – Notwithstanding the prevalent opinion that common Saleratus was poisonous, and mischievous in its effect upon the human system, it continued to be used because there was no substitute known.  The poisonous properties were not, however, essential, and starting upon this basis, Mr. DeLand applied himself to the discovery of a process to produce a pure article.  His researches were not confined to this country, but extended to Europe, and were eminently successful.  It was a glorious triumph of Chemistry, when the pure Chemical Saleratus was produced, and made gland thousands who were justly afraid to use the article commonly in use.  The Chemical Saleratus makes pure, light, and wholesome bread, and it is made only by D. B. DeLand & Co., at Fairport, Monroe county, N. Y.  Sold by them at wholesale, and by respectable dealers everywhere in this country.  For sale by wholesale grocers in Chicago.   dw*

THE DOG LAW. – The Town Clerk has been at his office for the last three days attending to the registry of dogs, under the new law. – So far, about seventy dogs have been registered as worthy of preservation.  Two days more are allowed to their owners to get all the dogs paid for: thereafter, no canine animal’s life is safe.  Those who want to keep their dogs had better pay up promptly, for there will be a determined effort to enforce this law, as it is what the interests of the State have long imperatively demanded.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, May 14, 1862, p. 1

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