
Saturday, September 14, 2013

XXXVIIth Congress -- First Session


SENATE. – The resolution impeaching Judge Humphreys was read from the House, and referred to a select committee, consisting of Messrs. Foster, Doolittle and Davis.

The bill establishing a port of entry at Hilton S. C., was received from the House and passed.

Mr. Wright presented a petition from citizens of Florida, asking for a confiscation bill.

The bill making appropriations for the deficiencies in the payment of volunteers was taken up.  After debate relative to the number of men now in the army, the bill was passed.

The bill limiting the number of Brigadier and Major Generals was passed, Mr. Hale’s amendment being rejected.  It limits the number of Major Generals to 80, and Brigadiers tow 200.

Mr. Sumner offered a resolution saying that it was inexpedient that victories obtained over our own citizens be placed on the regimental colors of the U. S.

The bill establishing the department of agriculture was taken up and passed.

After debate, the question was taken on Foster’s substitute, making a bureau of agriculture in the Department of the Secretary of the Interior.  Lost 18 against 18.  The bill as reported to the Senate passed – 25 to 12.

The bill for the appointment of medical storekeepers was amended so as to authorize the President to appoint Chaplains for hospitals, and passed.

Mr. Doolittle called up his bill to collect taxes on lands and insurrectionary districts. – He explained its provisions, when the bill was postponed until to-morrow.

The bill for the education of colored children in the District of Columbia, providing a tax of 10 per cent. upon the colored residents therefore, was taken up.

Mr. Wilson, of Mass., moved a new section, making all persons of color in the District amenable to the same laws as whites.  Adopted.  The amendment repeals the black code of the District.  On the passage of the bill, no quorum voted.

Mr. Hale introduced a bill to abolish the office of Marshal of the District of Columbia, and establishing that of Sheriff.

Mr. Grimes presented the petition of Gen. Sigel and other officers, asking for a German professorship at West Point, and recommending Reinhaldt Solger for the office.

HOUSE. – The Iowa contested election case was taken up.  It involves the question whether a member of Congress can hold a seat and commission in the volunteers at the same time, and refers especially to Vandever, who commands a regiment.

On motion of Mr. Washburne, it was postponed till the first Wednesday in December.

The bill organizing the territorial government of Arizona was taken up and passed.  The bill repeals all laws in the organizing of territories recognizing the relation of master and slave, and prohibits slavery therein.

The bill extending the eastern limits of Nevada sixty miles was passed.

Mr. Lovejoy called up the bill abolishing slavery within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Federal Government.  The house refused by 50 to 60 to table the bill.

Mr. Mallory raised a point that the bill was not regularly before the House, which the Speaker overruled.

Mr. Lovejoy called for the previous question.

Without coming to a vote the house adjourned.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, May 10, 1862, p. 2

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