
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Brigadier General George G. Meade to Margaretta Sergeant Meade, December 2, 1861

CAMP PIERPONT, VA., December 2, 1861.

The most important piece of intelligence I have to communicate is that I have bought another horse. He is a fine black horse that was brought out to camp by a trader, for sale. I bought him on the advice and judgment of several friends who pretend a knowledge in horse flesh, of which I am entirely ignorant. I exchanged Sargie’s1 horse and gave a hundred and twenty-five dollars boot. As Sargie’s horse cost me a hundred and twenty-five dollars, it makes my black turn me out two hundred and fifty dollars, a very high price. But Sargie’s horse was entirely broken down and worthless from exposure, and was pretty much a dead loss to me. I hope my black will turn out well. Thus far he is very satisfactory, being full of spirit and quite handsome; but there is no telling when you get a horse from a regular trader what a few days of possession may bring forth. Everything now looks as if * * * news was correct, that we were not to advance from our present position, but look to Southern expeditions for action on the enemy. We are not positively informed that we are in winter quarters, but the men are allowed to make themselves as comfortable as they can. I cannot say I am pleased with this — to remain inactive for four months.

The poor doctor who was wounded in the cavalry skirmish the other day has since died. He was only twenty-six years old, and leaves a young wife, who reached here three hours after his death. Such afflictions should reconcile us to our lesser troubles.

1 Son of General Meade.

SOURCE: George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Vol. 1, p. 232-3

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