
Monday, October 7, 2013

From The Second Iowa Cavalry

Wednesday, May 7, 1862.

EDITOR GAZETTE:  First allow me to acknowledge the regular receipt of the GAZETTE, of the same dates and as late news as other city dailies, and frequently they come one day ahead of the news dealers; all of which is gratefully acknowledged and fully appreciated by your humble servant.

On Sunday morning, some twenty regiments of infantry, with bands playing and banners floating to the breeze, marched through our camp advancing to the front followed by batteries of light artillery, and some long 30 pounder Parrott field pieces.  Everything betokened a general forward movement; but on Sunday night a heavy rain flooded the country, rendering an advance impossible for a few days.

Capt. Sanford, Co. H, in consequence of impaired health, has resigned, and Lt. Joseph Freeman, of Co. C, has been assigned to the command, which gives general satisfaction.

The wife of Capt. Frank A. Kendrick is on a short visit to camp, having arrived a few days since from Cape Girardeau, Mo., where she had been with friends for some time past.  About the last of April she became a party to a transaction, that whilst it rid the world of a villain, proves her the worthy wife of a Union officer, and shows that the honor of Iowa’s gallant sons may be safely entrusted to her fair daughters. –

[As we have already published the particulars of this heroic act, we omit “Diff’s” description, further than to state the name of the villain killed was Samuel Sloan, and that he left a wife and child.  “Diff” speaks thus of the pistol used on the occasion:– ED. GAZ.]

The pistol used was loaded by Sloan in Mr. Morrison’s store last Spring, to “shoot the first man that should run up a Union flag in Cape Girardeau.”  It was left in the store, and Mr. M. to prevent harm, took it home, where it remained until as above stated.  The ball, loaded by this traitor to his country to murder a Union man, was by the judicious handling of a Union officer’s wife, the means of arresting in his mad career this specimen of Southern Chivalry.

THURSDAY, May 8. – Three dry days, and the engineer regiment having rendered the road passable, orders were received last night to move this morning.  We were up at three o’clock and tents down at sunrise.  The brigade (2nd Iowa and 2d Michigan cavalry,) moved forward, followed by their train.  A camp was selected at this place, (four miles,) and the column without halting passed on to the front.  The country is up hill and down, with occasional ‘sloughy’ levels between them.  The soil is thin and poor.  Pine trees begin to appear interspersed among other timber.  The farms are few, and it would be little harm were they fewer!  From prisoners and the inhabitants we learn the market prices at Corinth, viz: soft hats, $5 to $10; boots, $15 to $25; coffee, $10, and none at that; salt, $15 per sack, &c.; and no money to buy.  Cotton no sale.

Yesterday Col. Elliott visited the enemy with a flag of truce.  He merely got within their lines, and had the privilege of returning.  To-day Beauregard returned the compliment, both of which probably resulted in nothing except information gained by the way.

Our troops were in line of battle to-day a mile beyond Farmington, and within three miles of Corinth.  The 2d Cavalry were skirmishing, and got into close quarters, not without loss.  John Wilson, Co. B, of Marshall county, was killed; shot through the chest and head.  His body is now here, and will be buried to-morrow.  Harry Douthil, Co. D, is severely wounded, shot in the head and leg; and James Slawter, Co. D, through the wrist and calf of the leg.  Lt. Washburne, Co. D, was surrounded and taken prisoner.  He had delivered his arms, retaining one revolver, and as his captors were retreating with him, some of his company rallied and pursued.  The lieutenant, drawing his revolver, wheeled his horse, and broke from them.  A volley sent after him killed his horse, but he made his escape, is safe and sound, and ready for another trial.  A Major of the 7th Ill. Cavalry was killed.  It is now past 10 p. m., and our regiment is just coming in, tired and hungry enough.

The country about Farmington (4 miles from Corinth) is more open.  Our forces will probably move their camps, forage rations, &c., forward to that locality to-morrow and next day, get ready on Sunday, and if the weather continues dry, about Monday, the 12th, the probabilities are that Gen. Halleck will commence sending “Epistles to the Corinthians,” which will speedily convince them of “sin and judgment to come,” and cause them to seek protection under the sheltering stars and stripes and by renouncing their errors find rest in Abraham’s bosom!  For the fulfillment of which anxiously awaiteth all men.

Your obt., &c.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, May 15, 1862, p. 2

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