
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Major General George G. Meade to John Sergeant Meade, November 14, 1861

CAMP PIERPONT, VA., November 14, 1861.

I am very badly off for horses. The horse3 I first got has been an excellent horse in his day, but General Hunter broke him down at Bull Run.4 The other one has rheumatism in his legs, and has become pretty much unserviceable. This has always been my luck with horses; I am never fortunate with them. I should like much to have a really fine horse, but it costs so much I must try to get along with my old hacks.

I am very well satisfied with all my staff, and believe I have as nice a set of gentlemen as any brigadier in the field. Both Kuhn and Watmough are particularly clever fellows, and Captain Baird is a very nice fellow, too. We all get along most harmoniously and only want a little more to do. You have of course rejoiced over the glorious achievement of our navy at Port Royal.

3 “Baldy,” remained with General Meade in the field until the spring of 1864. He was wounded twice at the first battle of Bull Run under General Hunter, and under General Meade he was wounded in the flank at the second battle of Bull Run, shot through the neck at Antietam, wounded at Fredericksburg, and again at Gettysburg, the ball remaining in his body. In the spring of 1864, General Meade, fearing that he might become an embarrassment in the campaign which was about to commence, sent him to Philadelphia, where he outlived his master.

4 First battle of Bull Run, Va., July 21, 1861.

SOURCE: George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Vol. 1, p. 227

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