
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Mary Custis Lee to Lieutenant General Winfield Scott, May 5, 1861

Arlington, May 5, 1861


Hearing that you desire to see the account of my husband's reception in Richmond, I have sent it to you. No honors can reconcile us to this fractricidal war which we would have laid down our lives freely to avert. Whatever may happen, I feel that I may expect from your kindness all the protection you can in honor afford. Nothing can ever make me forget your kind appreciation of Mr. Lee. If you knew all you would not think so hardly of me. Were it not that I would not add one feather to his load of care, nothing would induce me to abandon my home. Oh, that you could command peace to our distracted country!

Yours in sadness and sorrow,
M. C. Lee

SOURCES: John William Jones, Life and Letters of Robert Edward Lee: Soldier and Man, p. 139-40; Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, p. 93-4

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