
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Southern News

Special to the Chicago Tribune.

CAIRO, May 14.

Memphis papers of the 9th, 10th and 11th, are just received, by special express.  They state, on the authority of a dispatch from Natchez, that the Federal fleet had returned down the river to New Orleans.

The Appeal, commenting upon the growing disposition of the part of citizens of Memphis to refuse Confederate notes, characterizes the parties as traitors, and threatens to publish their names in its columns.

The same journal says that the only condition upon which the South will accept peace is the recognition of the independence, not only of the cotton States, but of every border State whose people desire an alliance with the Confederacy.

The Appeal contains an account of the surprise and capture of the Federal cavalry by Col. Claiborne, with 15, 000 cavalry, near Dresden – substantially as I have before telegraphed.  The prisoners were taken to Jackson, Tenn.

The following telegraphic dispatch is published:


The anniversary of Palo Alto opened with skirmishing between Gen. Pope’s forces and Gen. Price’s troops on the Farmington & Rienza roads.  At 2 o’clock the firing of the artillery was brisk.  Cox’s Alabama cavalry had several wounded.  There was heavy infantry firing late in the evening in which the enemy were driven back with great loss.  Surgeon W. R. Florall, of the 27th Ohio, and Maj. Applington, of the 42d Illinois were killed.  A flag of truce was sent by the enemy yesterday, asking for an exchange of Lt. Col. Adams, of Mo., and was refused.  The telegraph office at Farmington communicating directly with Washington City, was captured.

The Avalanche, of the 10th says that it has learned from reliable sources that the actual Federal loss at Shiloh exceeded forty thousand.

The Provost Marshal of Memphis has ordered the arrest of all persons refusing to accept Confederate money in payment of debts, or for goods purchased.  “Noting in the least degree calculated to discredit the operation of the Government will be tolerated.”

The Appeal of the 11th, says, “We have certain intelligence that Gen. Halleck has lost over 5,000 of his army by desertion.  The country between the Tennessee river and Kentucky is full of them.  The whole of the 40th Ohio deserted and disbanded after the battle of the 7th, and number of Kentuckians and Missourians have followed their example.  In consequence of disaffection produced by the late anti-slavery movements in Congress; one entire Kentucky regiment had unceremoniously quit Halleck’s army and gone home.

Five hundred Federal cavalry and 1,000 infantry have occupied Paris in consequence of the attack made by our cavalry on the Federal Camp at Dresden, a few days ago.

A report is brought from Little rock that Gen. Curtis’ division of the Federal army have commenced to march upon the capital of Arkansas.  Gen. Steel is marching upon the same point from Pocahontas.

The Appeal of the 11th, has the following special dispatches:

DES ARC, Ark., May 10.

The enemy are reported to be at Augusta, Jackson Co.  They took possession of all the cotton in the neighborhood.  They are reported to be in considerable force at Jacksonport and Batesville.  Their destination is unknown.

Some of the Federals, in disguise, entered this place to-day, and after reconnoitering, returned, pursued by the citizens.

Seventeen hundred bales of cotton were offered upon the shrine of liberty to-day by the citizens of this place.

The enemy are supposed to be under the command of Curtis.  His forces are reported to be between 8,000 and 10,000.

CORINTH, May 10.

Since the terrible thrashing administered to Pope’s command on yesterday, by Price and Van Dorn, we have had no further demonstrations.  Matters are accordingly quiet this morning.

The Appeal of the same date, also contains the following characteristic message from Thompson, relative to the great naval fight of Saturday:


Editors Appeal:  We Missourians concluded to celebrate to-day, the anniversary of the Camp Jackson massacre.  We have shown the enemy that we will still own the Mississippi river, and can run the blockade whenever we choose.  We gave them a few bullets this morning to show them our power, and after a handsome little skirmish of 30 minutes, we backed down the river with 2 men killed, and 8 slightly wounded.  The officers are all safe, with more confidence than ever, and our boats are uninjured.  The Van Dorn, Capt. Folkerson, has covered our fleet with glory; and all, from Com. Montgomery down to the powder boys, behaved like soldiers and gentlemen, and as good men as ever feathered an or round a quarter deck, or butted a Yankee.


The Appeal published this message without editorial comment.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, May 16, 1862, p. 1

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