
Sunday, October 20, 2013

State Items

A number of persons have recently been expelled from the M. E. Church at Montezuma, for disloyalty to the Government, the charge having been sustained against them.  That’s right: a persistently disloyal man is unfit for membership in a Christian church.

The Dubuque Times says that 500 recruits have been obtained at the station in that city for the regular army.  Of this number, about ninety percent came from other counties beside Dubuque.

The Marshall county Times and Iowa Valley News, published at Marshalltown have been consolidated under the name of the Marshall Times and News.  Mr. E. N. Chapin, of the News, being editor and proprietor of the new paper.

The Dubuque Times says it is reported that letters found on the battle-field at Shiloh, criminating certain well known citizens of Dubuque.  It is not at all improbable.  When the accounts of this war are finally balanced, a tremendous weight of responsibility will be found to rest on the heads of those men in Dubuque who have urged on the conspirators in their mad rebellion.

Mr. J. C. Holbrook, Jesse Guernsey, and J. H. Nutting, are about starting a new monthly paper at Dubuque, to be called the Religious News Letter.  It is to be conducted by several Congregational ministers.

Miss Emily Murdick, of Iowa county, was committed to jail, last week, for cutting the throat of her infant child, to which she gave birth on the 18th ult.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, May 16, 1862, p. 2

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