
Friday, November 15, 2013

Diary of Alexander G. Downing: Friday, January 16, 1863

The snow continued today with a high wind. I loaned Lieutenant Spencer $15.00.1 I went to the city today to purchase some supplies, spending in all $1.00. This evening we received our long-looked-for knapsacks with our extra underwear, which was quite welcome. Those of us who were not fortunate enough to secure extra underclothes when at Holly Springs, as some did, were obliged to wear one undersuit for forty-nine days without changing. When we now cast them aside, some of the boys declared that there was almost enough life in their clothes to walk.

1 Mr. Downing informs me that, as was the common practice, this loan was evidenced only by a verbal contract. — Ed.

Source: Alexander G. Downing, Edited by Olynthus B., Clark, Downing’s Civil War Diary, p. 94-5

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