
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Lt. Anton Scherer

We saw a few days ago in the Clinton Herald, among the changes in the military of the Sate, an announcement that Lt. Anton Scherer, of Capt. Kendrick’s company, had been mustered out of service.  We refrained from saying anything about it at the time, in the hope of receiving some satisfactory explanation.  Such an explanation Capt. Egbert furnished us yesterday.  It appears that Lt. Scherer has been sick a great deal of the time since leaving here, and was taken down on the arrival of the regiment at Pittsburg.  The surgeon in charge sent him down the river, but neglected to report the fact.  Hence, when he was missed, it was supposed he had deserted, and he was accordingly mustered out, by order of Gen. Halleck.  He has obtained a rehearing, it is understood, and we hope the injustice done him will be repaired.  So good an officer and brave a man cannot be spared from the service, and certainly should not be wrongfully banished from it.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, May 17, 1862, p. 1

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